fredag, maj 04, 2007

Bajs-Maria extraordinaire

Torsten: Define the word 'teacher'.
Bajs-Maria*: Stupid. Teachers have to be stupid to become teachers in the first place.

Torsten: My handwriting is getting sloppier...
Bajs-Maria: Yes. If only your mother could see you now!
Torsten: Hrm. I think she knows.

*Bajs-Maria är ett fingerat namn.

4 kommentarer:

Paulina sa...


Malou sa...

peck: Japp. You'll get the full story when we're face to face.

Anonym sa...

hahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha SMART tjeeeej!

Malou sa...

hanna: Japp, hon är riktigt klyftig. Och detta är the tip of the iceberg lemme tell ya...